
  • BSM Symposium 2022, 11 March 2022. Abstract and agar art submissions are now open!

    Save the date for our Annual Symposium, which is scheduled on Friday March 11th 2022 at the Royal Academies for Science and the Arts of Belgium in Brussels. We have an exciting speaker line-up and will offer opportunities for early career scientists to present their work.

    As BSM member you will be able to register and participate in the Symposium free-of-charge, registration will be opened soon.

    Abstract submission and the call for the agar art competition are now open.
    Abstract submission deadline is Friday February 4, agar art submission deadline is Friday March 4.

  • IUMS 2022: Microbiological adaptation in times of ecological disturbance and disruption

    The next IUMS Congress will be held simultaneously in person in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, as well as online between 20-22 July 2022. This three-day meeting will include keynote lectures by scientific leaders, bridging sessions and workshops organized by the three IUMS divisions: Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology, Virology, and Mycology and Eukaryotic Microbiology. More information on the IUMS 2022 website.

  • 2022 Membership subscription is now open

    Membership to BSM is open to anyone with interest in microbiology. Membership allows you to register for free to the annual meeting and makes you a member of FEMS, eligible for various grants. The membership registration form can be found here.

  • In the spotlight: Lise Thiry

    Discover the biography of Lise Thiry, virologist, human rights activist, senator, woman of the year in 1985 and recipient of the Commander of the Walloon Merit in 2011.

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