You can submit Academic, PostDoc or PhD vacancies, as well as Trainee positions and Grant applications to and these will be posted as soon as possible.
Professor in Food Microbiology: Applications of microbes in the food chain (KU Leuven)
There is a full-time academic vacancy in Food Microbiology in the Centre of Food and Microbial Technology, Department of Microbial and Molecular Systems, at the Leuven campus in Belgium.
You are expected to set up an innovative and internationally oriented research program aimed at elucidating the role and advancing the use of microbes in the food chain. Possible uses include the production of fermented foods, microbes as foods, food enzymes and food ingredients, the bioconversion of side streams into valuable foods or food ingredients, the creation of flavor and other quality attributes, nutrient enhancement and gut health, and the biocontrol of pathogens and spoilage organisms. Research programs integrating a fundamental and an applied component are particularly encouraged. As such, the program will address scientific questions related to the microbial ecology of the food production chain and the genetic, physiological and metabolic properties of specific members of food microbial ecosystems, and it will envisage the engineering of microorganisms for improved or novel functional properties and the analysis of these properties in model or real food systems.
You will also contribute to education within the area of food science and technology, in particular in the fields of food microbiology, microbial fermentation and/or food safety and quality systems.
A detailed description of the profile and the offer can be found on the KU Leuven job site: Applications can be submitted until December 12, 2024.
Postdoc in Microbiome Spatial & Metabolic Adaptation to Dietary Interventions – University of Amsterdam
We are currently seeking a Postdoctoral Fellow to join a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Project, CurboSupport, funded by the Dutch Research Foundation (NWO). The project aims to identify optimal combinations of carbohydrates and proteins that enhance the production of beneficial digestion and fermentation products within various segments of the intestine. These products are crucial for promoting metabolic health, bolstering immunity, and supporting brain health. A temporary contract for 38 hours a week, preferably starting on 1 September 2024, for the duration of 24 months, with a probation period of two months. More information at:
KULeuven – PhD position – Investigating the interplay between metacommunity structure and the composition of synthetic gut microbial communities
The Laboratory of Microbial Systems Biology is looking for a motivated PhD candidate who is interested in gut microbial ecology. The lab is part of the Molecular Bacteriology unit at the Rega Institute and uses systems biology methods to investigate microbial community structure and dynamics. The PhD will be embedded in a Marie Curie Doctoral Network, HoloGen, which aims to study host-microbiota interactions from the hologenomics perspective. Unit website
The human gut microbiome is a complex ecosystem consisting of hundreds of species interacting with one another and with the host. Its composition is not only shaped by species interactions and host characteristics but also by the environment of the host, in particular the host’s social network. In this project, we want to study how the interplay between local conditions and the social network shapes host microbiota. For this, we plan to mimic social networks in vitro, to fully control local conditions, migration rates and the structure of the network. We will also work with previously established synthetic gut communities to be better able to represent our observations in a mathematical model. Such a model will enable predictions and the exploration of additional scenarios. To implement this project, the successful candidate will have access to state-of-the-art anaerobic culturing equipment.
The candidate should have a solid background in microbiology and molecular biology, enjoy wet lab work, be able to work independently and be passionate about microbial ecology. Experience with anaerobic culturing techniques, flow cytometry, 16S rRNA gene sequencing or mathematical modelling is a plus. Applicants should have a master’s degree in microbiology, molecular biology, bioscience or (bio)chemical engineering, biotechnology or equivalent with at least a distinction, obtained in September 2024 at the latest. A proof of proficiency in English is a requirement.
All information and how to apply: You can apply for this job no later than September 15, 2024.
University of Vienna/AIT – PhD position – Physiology and ecology of the neonatal gut microbiota
Duration of contract: 4 years
Planned starting date: ASAP
Place of work: University of Vienna/AIT
Main supervisor: David BerryProject description
Extremely premature infants, which are born before the 28th week of gestation and weighing <1,000 grams, are a highly vulnerable patient group. They frequently experience early-life brain injury that can lead to life-long neurological impairments. Recent research suggests that the gut microbiome can affect the immune system and brain development. As the neonatal gut microbiota-immune-brain axis is important in both short- and long-term neurological diseases, it is a promising target for early-life therapeutic intervention. In order to achieve this, a deeper understanding of the interplay between the microbiome, the immune system, and the brain in early life is urgently needed. This project aims to determine how dysfunction in the gut microbiota-immune-brain axis in extremely premature infants contributes to brain damage and long-term cognitive impairment. The molecular mechanisms underlying the etiology of these neurodevelopmental issues will be addressed in three project areas focused on the components of the axis: the gut microbiome, immune system, and brain.The NeoGIBA project will take a stepwise, bottom-up approach to test how the gut communicates with the brain using cutting-edge model systems. Promising leads will be integrated in pre-clinical models to test novel intervention strategies. Specifically, we will
We are looking for a highly motivated PhD candidate to develop, coordinate, and carry out the multidisciplinary project above. The candidate will be supervised by David Berry and will work in a team with other PhD students as well as Clarissa Campbell (host-microbe interactions and immunology, Centre for Molecular Medicine), Isabella Wagner (cognitive neuroscience, University of Vienna), Benedikt Warth (systems biology and metabolomics, University of Vienna), and Lukas Wisgrill (immunology and neonatology, Medical University of Vienna).
The candidate will be responsible for characterizing the microbiome and metabolome of extremely premature neonates using genome-resolved metagenomics and untargeted metabolomics. Additionally, they will characterize the physiology and ecology of isolates of the core gut microbiome. These results should provide insights into the function and assembly of the neonatal gut microbiota and serve as the basis for other work in the research team. Specifically, they will shed light onto the importance of species-specific physiological tolerances and capabilities as well as ecological interactions in determining microbiota assembly and succession. Additionally, they will inform practical strategies for promoting potentially beneficial microbes and conferring colonization resistance against important early-life enteric pathogens including Klebsiella pneumoniae and other pathobionts and immunomodulatory microbes.
The ideal candidate should meet the following criteria: background in microbiology, molecular biology, or related fields; experience working in a microbiology or molecular biology laboratory; programming skills (e.g., Python, R) and motivation to expand those; excellent written and spoken English; excellent skills in project planning and independency in problem-solving; ability to work in a multidisciplinary, international team.
Experience with experimental design and gut microbiome analysis is strongly desired.
More info and how to apply:
Research Fellow (University of Warwick Campus, Coventry)
We are looking to hire a postdoctoral scientist to work on a project funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation within the research group of Orkun Soyer (
The overall aim of the project is to understand the feedbacks between spatial organization and microbial interactions within aquatic environments. Within this broad topic, our current work focuses on cyanobacteria-dominated natural microbial communities that form macro-scale, dynamical structures. These biofilm-like, granular structures can display dynamic spatial activity and harbour stable communities. We are currently working on one such system that we have characterised in detail and would like to better understand microbial interactions and their evolution within this system.
We are currently looking to hire a postdoctoral researcher with a background in microbial physiology, microbial ecology, or microbial systems biology. The successful candidate will work on understanding the impact of structural formation on microbial interactions and their evolution. We are looking for someone with expertise in microbial physiology or microbial ecology, with emphasis on quantitative approaches. Applicants should be proficient in microbial culturing, microbial physiology measurements, use of fluorescent microscopy techniques, microfluidics, data and image analysis, and genetics.
Job opportunities at the Proteomics and Microbiology group of the University of Mons
The Proteomics and Microbiology group (ProtMic – Prof. R. Wattiez) of the University of Mons (Belgium), initiated in 2007, focuses on functional proteomics and metabolism research. Actually, the ProtMic group members consists of 2 professors, 1 assistant professor, 5 postdocs, 13 Ph.D. students and 3 technicians. The Bioprofiling platform is a core facility created by ProtMic between UMONS (Université de Mons) and ULB (Université Libre de Bruxelles). It assists academic researchers in their projects and to support the fast-growing surrounding biotech and life sciences ecosystem.
Our multidisciplinary teams provide knowhow in functional proteomics. Projects, in which we are involved in, are interdisciplinary, but mainly oriented towards life, environmental sciences and agrofoods. Our teams bring their state-of-the-art equipment as well as their expertise while developing new methodologies and research projects.We are currently recruiting 4 technical and scientific professionals with varied backgrounds in Proteomics, Bioinformatic and Mass spectrometry, and 2 technical and scientific professionals with a background in Metabolomics. In these new roles, your collaborative mindset is as valued as your scientific expertise.
- Post-Doc research position in the field of bioinformatic in the proteomic area
- Post-Doc research position – Metaproteomic Research Specialist
- Post-Doc research position – Proteomic Research Specialist
- Technician research position – Microbial Proteomics
- Post-Doc research position -Metabolomic Research Specialist
- Technician research position -Plant Metabolomics
Two open research positions for post-docs in Environmental Microbiology at KU Leuven
Two research positions are open at KU Leuven, Belgium, in the Environmental Microbiology group of Prof. Dirk Springael, team leader at the Division of Soil and Water Management, starting from between May-June – 2024 (or earlier). The positions are only open for researchers that do not have a Belgian nationality, that did not attain their PhD at a Belgian institute and that did not stay for a period of more than 24 months in the period before the start of the position in Belgium. Applicants should indicate for which position they are applying and can apply for both positions. Interested candidates should send their application to Prof. Dirk Springael (Tel: ++ 32 16 32 16 04; e-mail:, by e-mail, at the latest on February 28, 2024. The application must contain (1) a curriculum vitae, (2) publications record and study results, (3) a motivation letter, and (4) contact details of 2 persons for references. Information about the research group can be found at
Post-doc position 1 (two years): Deciphering the role of insertion elements in microbial community adaptation to anthropogenic environmental changes (Bilateral Flanders-China FWO project).
Horizontal gene transfer plays an essential role in the adaptation of microbial communities to anthropogenic environmental changes. Typical examples are adaptations that confer antibiotic resistance, metal resistance and catabolism of xenobiotic organic pollutants. Among the vehicles that govern HGT are conjugative elements and insertion sequence (IS) elements. Conjugative elements such as plasmids transfer the adaptive gene functions between different organisms while IS elements are thought to play an essential role in the acquisition of the adaptive traits by the conjugative elements as such making recruited traits prone to lateral transfer. While much information exists on the molecular mechanisms of IS transposition and IS mediated gene acquisition, less information exist, and this in contrast to plasmids, about the contribution of IS elements to HGT and microbial adaptation in a wider community context. The project aims to acquire a better understanding of the role of IS elements in genetic adaptation at the community level and the anthropogenic environmental drivers underlying IS mediated gene recruitment and HGT in complex communities. Using targeted metagenomics and innovative experimental design, it will examine the abundances and genetic cargo of specific IS elements in freshwater environments in Europe and China, and will explore their relationships with environmental parameters and anthropogenic selective pressures. In addition, the project foresees the development and application of genetic tools enabling monitoring of IS mediated gene recruitment using state-of-the-art genetic engineering approaches. This project makes part of a bilateral collaborative research project with Prof. Su Jian-Qiang of the Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences and a research stay is foreseen in the lab in China. The selected candidate will work closely with three currently on-going PhDs in the research group and with the successful candidate of post-doc position 2.
Candidates must have a PhD degree in either environmental microbiology with expertise in metagenomics and microbial community composition analysis using high-throughput state-of-the-art sequencing approaches and relevant bio-informatics (including relevant wet-lab work) AND/OR in genomics, genetic engineering and related bioinformatics tools. Candidates must be also fluent in English.
Post-doc position 2 (three years): Microbial community dynamics and role of mobile genetic elements in Managed Aquifer Recharge systems for groundwater restoration (ERA-NET EU project MARSURE).
Managed aquifer recharge (MAR) refers to the purposeful recharge of water to aquifers for subsequent recovery, to increase groundwater availability and improve water quality while preventing resource deterioration. During MAR, water is infiltrated through soil and aquifer sediments, improving water quality. Although MAR is an established technology, the underlying microbial, geo-chemical, and hydrological processes during subsurface passage are not entirely understood, which limits predictions of expected water quality improvements. The ERA-NET EU project MARSURE aims at implementing and understanding next-generation hybrid MAR systems for groundwater restoration taking advantage of a range of controlled reactions and sequential multi-barrier pre- and in situ treatment concepts to achieve the needed reduction of pollutants while maintaining a low carbon footprint with no waste production including nutrients, trace metals, organic pollutants, pathogens, and antibiotic resistance genes (ARG). The project involves 7 partners from 6 EU countries. In the project, the KU Leuven group is responsible for tracking the microbial community dynamics in the MAR systems including composition and functionality, as a response to the implemented treatment conditions. The microbial community composition in MAR samples will be determined by Illumina 16SrRNA gene amplicon and metagenomic sequencing, identifying potential pathogenic taxa. The metagenomic data will also identify functionalities such as pollutant degradation, ARGs, pathogenic features. Special attention will be given to specific mobile genetic elements as accelerators of genetic adaptation and the traits they carry using targeted metagenomics. The selected candidate will work closely together with the other partners in the project performing the operation and management of the MAR systems at laboratory and pilot scale. The selected candidate will also work closely with three currently on-going PhDs in the research group and with the successful candidate of post-doc position 1.
Candidates must have a PhD degree in environmental microbiology with expertise in metagenomics and microbial community composition analysis using a combination of wet-lab work and high-throughput state-of-the-art sequencing approaches and relevant bio-informatics. The candidates must be fluent in English and have strong communication and organisatory skills.
Two Ph.D. positions at the Microbiology Unit of SCK CEN (Belgian Nuclear Research Centre)
Protein-based chelators for targeted radionuclide therapy. Short-lived, radioactive lanthanides are attractive radioisotopes for targeted radionuclide therapy, which is a rapidly growing class of cancer treatment. To deliver such isotopes to the target cancer cells, they must be appended, i.e. chelated, to carriers that target antigens overexpressed on the target cancer cell’s surface. For the production of such radiopharmaceuticals, it is highly desirable to use chelating molecules that can capture large radioisotopes with high specificity and stability under mild temperature and pH conditions, leaving the carrier protein molecule and target binding capacity intact. Here, we aim to improve the development of radiopharmaceuticlas via implementing and benchmarking protein-based alternatives to the currently used synthetic chemical chelators. As additional innovation, these protein-based alternatives will be directly fused to proteinous carriers (e.g. peptides or nanobodies), produced recombinantly and benchmarked.Both innovative approaches provide unique possibilities for targeted radionuclide therapy.
More info at: As from March 5th, 2024, you can apply to this PhD topic via this link. Before applying, please consult the guidelines for application.Biosynthetic toolboxes for the extraction of radionuclides. Short-lived radioactive lanthanides are attractive radioisotopes for targeted radionuclide therapy, which is a rapidly growing class of cancer treatment. The development of such radiopharmaceuticals evidently relies on the production of these radioisotopes and generates particular waste streams. Although both are routine and established practices, researchers are exploring novel approaches as an alternative to extract or recover radionuclides in order to circumvent current drawbacks. This involves developing and using specially engineered microorganisms that are modified to bind to the desired elements. By selecting or engineering the right bacterial strains, highly specific and efficient extraction systems can be obtained. In this project, different biosynthetic toolboxes will be developed and compared. A synthetic approach will be used in order to engineer the desirable features, i.e. radionuclide-binding, on the surface of different microorganisms. The developed tools will be assessed side-by-side and their potential to quantitatively and selectively recover radionuclides will be evaluated. This innovative approach will allow optimizing the product life cycle and will contribute to the successful implementation of targeted radionuclide therapy. In addition, the use of microorganisms in element extraction/recovery is part of a broader trend toward sustainable and environmentally responsible sourcing of critical materials.
More info at: As from March 5th, 2024, you can apply to this PhD topic via this link. Before applying, please consult the guidelines for application.
Three PhD studentship opportunities at Aberdeen
Three exciting PhD studentships in the area of the human gut microbiota in relation to food & nutrition or health & disease:
Professor position in Microbiota-Host Interactions – Department of Biological Sciences, Unversité du Québec a Montréal
The Department of Biological Sciences (UQAM) now wishes to enrich its expertise in microbiome and omics-based analyses with a new professor position specializing in microbiota-host interactions in a human health and/or animal biology context. We are looking for candidates whose expertise will complement or support the broad research interests of the Centre d’Excellence en Recherche sur les Maladies Orphelines – Fondation Courtois (CERMO-FC). Investigators from this multi-departmental interdisciplinary research center use various animal models to study the mechanisms of numerous diseases at the physiological, cellular, molecular and/or biochemical levels. These researchers also benefit from the support of 6 cutting-edge research core facilities.
All information can be found in the announcements: English – French. Deadline = October 14, 2023.
Post-doctoral position in Microbiology at the Cava lab
We offer a postdoctoral position for a Microbiologist at the Department of Molecular Biology at Umeå University, Sweden. The opening is temporary with a competitive salary for two years but can be extended and it is available immediately or as agreed.
The Department of Molecular Biology has about 200 employees. The department’s main tasks involve research, graduate education, and undergraduate education as well as interactions with the community. For more information, see:
The Cava lab at the Laboratory of Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden (MIMS) and the Department of Molecular Biology (Umeå University) is a multidisciplinary and stimulating research space that investigates bacterial cell wall biology and genetics at the interface between basic and clinical research. Our goal is to improve the inventory of players in cell wall biogenesis, remodeling, and regulation, characterize the function and interplay of known components, and evolve our work into quantitative studies and computational modeling. This research program has potential in the development of novel antimicrobial strategies to combat multidrug-resistant bacterial pathogens.
All information can be found at
Ph.D. position at the interface of xenobiotics and gut microbial ecology (3 years)
Emerging contaminants, particularly endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) have been increasingly detected in the environment and the organisms. The interactions between EDCs and the human gut microbiome — a modulator of host health that is composed of microorganisms along with their genes — are largely unknown. Uncovering multifaceted EDC ecotoxicity will expand the knowledge on their long-term harmful impacts on humans as super-organisms with their microbiome. Without establishing this critical link, the detrimental impacts of EDCs on public health would remain partially described. The proposed PhD project aims to develop nutritional strategies that may have the potential to protect the gut microbiome from EDC toxicity.
Duration: 36 months
Starting Date: 01/10/2023
Lab: The position is located at the MICALIS Institute, INRAE (Institut national de recherche pour l’agriculture, l’alimentation et l’environnement) in Jouy en Josas, France and part of AgroParisTech and Université Paris Saclay. The candidate will join the research team ‘PhylHom : Physiology and phylogeny of the Human Microbiome’ focusing on therapies, contaminants and the microbiome. The PhD position is financed by the INRAE.
See announcement for more information.
Project Manager / Research Engineer in Plant and Soil Microbiome Rescue, University of Lyon, France
The laboratory of Microbial Ecology ( at the University of Lyon in France, accelerates leading research in environmental microbial ecology and evolution. One Ph.D.-level position for a Project Manager/Research Engineer
is available with a new European Research Council Consolidator Award: MicroRescue: Resolving mechanisms of microbiome rescue to promote resilience to climate change. The position is under the supervision of Dr. Ashley Shade ( project will investigate soil and plant-associated microbiome responses to drought and heat, focusing on understanding how reactivation from the dormant pool contributes to maintaining plant- and soil microbiome functions during stress. We seek a motivated researcher to support project management and perform laboratory research to understand the mechanisms of microbiome resilience and rescue. Applicants should hold a Ph.D. in
either ecology/evolution, microbial sciences, plant and soil sciences, or a related field.The successful candidate will have laboratory or field research experience in microbiology or ecology of soil or plant ecosystems. They will have demonstrated technical skills in molecular biology, including nucleic acid extractions from environmental samples, PCR, or sequencing. They will have excellent organizational skills related to laboratory research and coordinating projects or collaborations. In addition, they will be able to work independently and flexibly, work closely with the PI to ensure timelines and deliverables, proactively problemsolve, and work harmoniously as part of a team that will include students. The successful applicant will be proficient in English.
Additional skills or experiences that will be considered favorably include: working in a French research environment; optimizing or developing molecular biology or microbiology protocols; mesocosm experimental designs; working within a Long-Term Ecological Research Network or similar; microbiology skills in cultivation or molecular biology of Firmicutes or Actinomycetota; and an awareness of standards in open science for microbiome research including reproducibility and public data deposition.
The successful candidate will enjoy a vibrant and supportive research group, access to excellent research facilities and platforms at the University of Claude Bernard Lyon 1 “La Doua” campus, and a project team that is committed to high scientific integrity, to open and reproducible science, and to promoting a welcoming and inclusive team environment. The hosting laboratory, Laboratoire Ecologie Microbienne, boasts over 70 permanent microbial ecologists collaborating among eight teams with five technical platforms supporting precise analyses of microbial activities, natural products, and genomes. Lyon, France, is a historic city nestled between two rivers. Lyon embraces green policies and offers culinary excellence and access to unique cultural experiences. Because Lyon is
home to universities, multinational companies, and Interpol, the city welcomes a large international community.The position is for five years and is renewed annually, contingent on satisfactory performance evaluations. We expect a start date in September 2023. Applicants should submit, in English, 1) a current curriculum vitae; 2) a cover letter describing their interests and how their skills and experiences align with the position’s needs; 3) contact information for three professional references. Applications will only be accepted via the CNRS Job Portal (
Assistant professor with tenure track in Virology (University of Geneva)
The Department of Microbiology and Molecular Medicine is one of the five research departments of the Fundamental Medicine Section of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Geneva. The research axes of this department are articulated around infectious microorganisms. The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Geneva is calling for applications for a full-time Assistant Professor (tenure-track).
The successful applicant will be expected to establish and maintain an extramurally-funded competitive research program and to participate in teaching and service duties within the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Medicine and the Faculty of Medicine.
The candidate must hold a PhD or MD-PhD degree. He/she must develop a line of research in virology supported by competitive funding and resulting in publications in leading international journals. Priority will be given to candidates working in the field of clinically relevant viruses, like respiratory viruses, allowing interactions with the Centers for Emerging Viral Diseases and Vaccinology, with the aim of strengthening translational research. Candidates proposing innovative approaches to study virus-host interactions, mechanisms of viral pathogenesis, or other areas of fundamental virology are particularly encouraged to apply.
All information can be found on: – Deadline is June 30th, 2023.
Full-time Academic position in Molecular Bacteriology (ULiège, Faculty of Sciences)
A full-time indivisible academic position, in the field of Molecular Bacteriology within the Department of Life Sciences at ULiège. This position includes teaching and research activities as well as services to the community. All information can be found on Start Date: 01/10/2023. Deadline application: 23/04/2023.
Klinisch bioloog
AZ Klina in Brasschaat is het acuut referentie- en revalidatieziekenhuis voor patiënten en verwijzers uit de regio Noord-Antwerpen. Het ziekenhuis bestaat uit 3 campussen (campus Klina, campus De Mick en campus Coda) en telt 589 bedden. Meer dan 1700 gespecialiseerde artsen, medewerkers en vrijwilligers gaan elke dag samen voor elke patiënt ‘Voluit voor zorg’. AZ Klina is een innovatieve en lerende organisatie die kwalitatief hoogstaande zorg biedt en die continu wil verbeteren. Wij bieden patiënten een state-of-the-art infrastructuur, de nieuwste technologie en een brede waaier aan medische disciplines.
AZ Klina beschikt over een ambitieus en innovatief laboratorium Klinische Biologie. Het werkterrein van het laboratorium omvat alle deelgebieden van de Klinische Biologie m.i.v. moleculaire diagnostiek en NGS. Heden bestaat het medisch kader van de dienst uit 4 voltijdse Klinisch Biologen die samenwerken als zelfstandigen in associatief verband. Wegens geplande stopzetting van de activiteit van één van de stafleden is het team proactief op zoek naar een nieuwe collega om samen verder te bouwen aan de toekomst.
- arts/apotheker specialist in de Klinische Biologie met bijzondere interesse voor en/of kennis van de disciplines microbiologie, moleculaire diagnostiek/NGS en infectieuze serologie;
- beschikt over het Master na Master diploma Ziekenhuishygiëne of is bereid dit te behalen op korte termijn;
- maakt deel uit van de Antibioticabeleidsgroep, het Comité voor ziekenhuishygiëne en het HOST team;
- fungeert als bioveiligheidscoördinator binnen het laboratorium Klinische Biologie;
- neemt deel aan een wachtsysteem over alle domeinen van de Klinische Biologie;
- beschikt over kennis/ervaring m.b.t. kwaliteitssystemen en accreditatie volgens ISO 15189;
- erkenning medische microbiologie of bereidheid deze erkenning te behalen strekt tot aanbeveling;
- startdatum te bepalen in onderling overleg.
De kandidatuur met begeleidingsbrief moet vóór 30 april 2023 aangetekend gestuurd worden naar Bart Van Daele, Voorzitter Raad van Bestuur, AZ Klina vzw, Augustijnslei 100, 2930 Brasschaat. Deze moet vergezeld zijn van:
- een omstandig CV met referenties en aanbevelingen;
- een afschrift van het diploma van arts/apotheker en de erkenning als specialist in de Klinische Biologie; collega’s die in 2023 de erkenning behalen kunnen eveneens kandideren;
- een recent getuigschrift van goed zedelijk gedrag.
Voor bijkomende inlichtingen
- Dr. Carl Vael, Arts-diensthoofd Klinische Biologie (T + 32 3 650 52 57 –
- Dr. Christine Cuyt, Hoofdarts (T + 32 3 650 50 10/
- Dr. Joost Baert, Algemeen Directeur (T + 32 3 650 50 10 –
Vacancy for experienced bioinformatician @ SCK CEN
SCK CEN is looking for an experienced bioinformatician to work with us on the analysis of multi-omics biological data, generated via our wet lab research, allowing us to get a multidimensional view on the impact of ionizing radiation on complex biological processes. With this research we aim the development of innovative solutions for the medical, nuclear and space sector.
Deadline for application is 28 September 2022.
More information can be found and application can be done, via following link :
PhD @SCK CEN: Integromics – Towards integration of big biomolecular data to enable systems biology
SCK CEN is for a PhD candidate with interest in biostatistics to work with us and the University of UHasselt on the analysis and integration of multi-omics biological data, allowing us to get a multi-dimensional view on the impact of ionizing radiation on complex biological processes.
More information can be found and application can be done, via following link :
PhD or postdoctoral researcher in mycelium-based engineered living materials
The Research Group of Microbiology ( at the Department of Bioengineering Sciences is looking for a PhD or postdoctoral researcher to participate in the project “FUNGATERIA: Enlisting synthetic fungal-bacterial consortia to produce multicellular engineered living materials (ELMs) with computational capability” funded by the European Innovation Council (
The full job description and how to apply can be consulted below.
Scientist/BRC manager in training for coordinating and developing R&D activities and management of the BCCM/ULC cyanobacteria collection
The ULC collection is one of 7 decentralized biological resource centres integrated within the Belgian Coordinated Collections of Microorganisms (BCCM) ( The consortium with complementary expertise offers high quality microbial and genetic resources as well as a broad-ranging service portfolio and scientific expertise for industry and academia. BCCM runs a multi-site ISO 9001 quality management system. The ULC collection is specialised in cyanobacteria (
The full job description and how to apply can be consulted below.