Research Fellow (University of Warwick Campus, Coventry)

We are looking to hire a postdoctoral scientist to work on a project funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation within the research group of Orkun Soyer (

The overall aim of the project is to understand the feedbacks between spatial organization and microbial interactions within aquatic environments. Within this broad topic, our current work focuses on cyanobacteria-dominated natural microbial communities that form macro-scale, dynamical structures. These biofilm-like, granular structures can display dynamic spatial activity and harbour stable communities. We are currently working on one such system that we have characterised in detail and would like to better understand microbial interactions and their evolution within this system.

We are currently looking to hire a postdoctoral researcher with a background in microbial physiology, microbial ecology, or microbial systems biology. The successful candidate will work on understanding the impact of structural formation on microbial interactions and their evolution. We are looking for someone with expertise in microbial physiology or microbial ecology, with emphasis on quantitative approaches. Applicants should be proficient in microbial culturing, microbial physiology measurements, use of fluorescent microscopy techniques, microfluidics, data and image analysis, and genetics.

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