We are the
Belgian Society for Microbiology

The Belgian Society for Microbiology (BSM) is a nonprofit association (VZW/ASBL) dedicated to the advancement of microbiological sciences in the broadest sense. It was founded in 1996 to give all the microbiologists in Belgium a chance to meet and discuss Science in a friendly atmosphere.



  • Belgo-Indian symposium on Antimycobacterial drug development

    Symposium organized by the ULB on Monday September 16th, 2024 on the subject “Antimycobacterial drug development”. Location: Salle Solvay,building NO, Campus Plaine, Boulevard du Triomphe, 1050 Brussels. Qualified researchers will present keynote lectures and Belgian PhD students or postdoc will be able to present short communications.

    The inscription is free but mandatory through the following link (closed on September 16th, 2024):

    Program divided in 4 sessions:
    • New antimycobacterial and antimicrobial compounds in view
    • New mycobacterial targets in view
    • New drug regimens in view
    • New antimycobacterial drug assessments in view

    Among the qualified managers making an oral presentation:

    • Prof. Jayanta Haldar (JNCASR, Bangalore, India) on « Vancomycin analogues in the pipeline of antimicrobial drug development”
    • Prof. Alain Baulard (Institut Pasteur de Lille, France) on « Rewiring M.tuberculosis to reverse antibiotic resistance: Alpibectir from bench to bedside”
    • Prof. Leen Rigouts (Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium) on “Genetic variants across phylogenetic lineages of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex may cause resistance in drug-naïve populations”.
    • Prof. Gilles Berger (Université Libre de Bruxelles) on « Exploring transition metal complexes for human diseases »
    • Prof. Véronique Fontaine (Université Libre de Bruxelles) on “Why to target GroEL1 and PDIM biosynthesis to fight M. tuberculosis ”

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  • Obituary Prof. Lise Thiry

    Born in 1921, Lise Thiry (https://belsocmicrobio.be/famous-belgian-microbiologists/lise-thiry/) passed away January 16th 2024, at the respectable age of 102! A time to remember her astonishing commitments, whether scientific, political or social, at a time when not everyone paid attention to women speaking. From 1947 she worked at the Institut Pasteur in Brussels, where she set up the Virology laboratory in 1952. Alongside many fundamental discoveries, her lab developed diagnostic tests for the detection of a number of viruses (e.g. scarlet fever, mumps, poliomyelitis, VRS, adenovirus, HIV). In 1985, she detected HIV particles in the milk of mothers from Rwanda, identifying a route of transmission and raising, for the first time, doubts about the universally accepted benefits of breastfeeding. In addition to her brilliant scientific career, in the early seventies, Lise started a political career at the socialist party. In 1985, she received the title of “Woman of the year” and became a member of the Senate. In 1990, she was part of the commission in charge of evaluating the impact of the new law legalizing abortion. She championed the rights of asylum seekers, and other excluded people. Besides her scientific publications, she wrote a series of books, including “Conversations avec des clandestins” (ISBN 978-2-87267-064-2, unfortunately not translated).
    We present our condolences to her family. She keeps showing us the way to dedicating scientific research to the benefit of people and society.

  • Antibiotic Insights: Tolerance Mechanisms, ABC Transporters and Bacterial Responses

    Mini-symposium organized on February 23 (2 pm) at KU Leuven (Aula van de Tweede Hoofdwet, Kasteelpark Arenberg 41, Leuven). See leaflet for more info.

  • Obituary Em. Prof. Dr. Pierre Cornelis

    It is with deep sadness that we inform you that our colleague and friend Pierre Cornelis passed away on Saturday December 2nd. Pierre was Honorary member of BSM. Click on this link for an obituary written by VUB colleague Eddy Van Driessche. We would like to express our condolences to Pierre’s family, friends and colleagues.

Become a member

Membership to BSM is open to anyone with an interest in microbiology. Membership allows you to register for free to the annual meeting and makes you a member of FEMS.


Famous Belgian Microbiologists

Learn more about groundbreaking research from Belgian scientists.


BSM annual conference

Each year, BSM holds a symposium, providing a great opportunity for the Belgium-based community of microbiology researchers to meet and interact. There is always an exciting speaker line-up and early career researchers can present their research in a poster or oral presentation.